Monday, January 20, 2014

IHSW January 2014

The end of the first Hermitage weekend of the year leaves me with not much to show.  There was some stitching on SAL pieces for Smalls and Theme-a-licious which I’m not showing until later.  The not done yet part isn’t an influence at all. J

Giving in to the “Wow, I have everything I need to start this, so why not.” urge, I have a new start.


That orange line (or whatever the color name for 3340 is) marks the beginning of the London picture I mentioned earlier.  The peacock picture will be started soon.  I need to make a slightly better effort to center it before I start.  And to move past the idea of doing the whole outline first.  I’m too prone to missing stitches and not noticing in time. Ha.

Happy stitching World


  1. *gasp!!!* Another start?????

    LOL!! Can my comment be more opposite than Kate's?
