I’m excited about the WIPocalypse. Really. I look at it as a huge stitch-a-long. A yearlong party is a great enticement to anyone right? So when I think of it that way it’s easier to forget those other words that keep coming up. Like list and organize. Don’t get me wrong. I write lists every day. Sometimes I even get around to reading them again on the chance I can cross something off of it. But organize is not a word that is usually associated with me. J
Still, a new year is soon upon us and a chance to try new things. Without further ado I give you my WIPocalypse list:
1. The Summer Ball
You all know this story. I came across the second part of this in Cross Stitch Collection when it first came out. Bought the third part when it came out and managed to find the first part on EBay. Then I actually went and bought all the floss (Anchor no less) and a 3 foot long (!?) piece of 16 count aida to do it on. The most amazing part of this is the fact that I actually started it. There’s a portion of a mirror visible in the upper left corner. That’s what I’ve done so far. Now there’s a quote on this page from the designer, Sandy Littlejohns. It says “As with any large project there is a need to pace oneself, and not attempt too much at one time.” I think it’s time to pick up the pace.
2. A Mythical Dragon
Along with big projects, the other thing I haven’t done much of is work with metallics or blending filaments. Then I received a package from Kim at Scully's Cross Stitching . She was clearing out her stash and sharing it with myself and others. Along with two Teresa Wentzler patterns, which are tempting in their own right was “A Mythical Dragon”. Pattern, charms, fabric, floss and filament. It’s a wonder I haven’t started it yet. Thank you Kim!

And since I’m on a roll with picking out pieces that are 3-5 times bigger than anything I normally do, I thought I may as well add in this one.
3. Do Not Disturb
This was a birthday present for my best friend. She was there when I bought it and everything. She stitches too but clever soul that I am I offered to do it for her. Right. Anyway, it has all the pieces with it. I know this because last summer I opened it up to look at it. I even rinsed out all the floss like they suggested. I should probably try to get the creases out of the fabric before I start but it’s mostly ready to go.
What do you know? I may get the hang of this organizing thing yet!
There’s still plenty to look forward to this year. Including this weekend’s IHSW. So I’m going for a finish. It’s time to finish up the Haunted House and get back to my other pieces. That’s my plan and enough talk for now.
Happy stitching World!