Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Theme-A-Licious March wrap up

March madness has been good to me.  There was progress on both the Retro Cat

And Do Not Disturb.

The challenge for April will be to keep making progress while adding in the Ballroom picture for Amazon April.  Fun!

No ornament for March but I’m looking forward to trying to decide on a Santa.  Or better than that, more than one!!

Happy stitching World.


  1. Retro Cat is looking awesome!! I have no idea what Do Not Disturb is going to develop into, but it looks like a great beach scene...so the title seems like it fits! =D

  2. Both of the projects are really cool, but the retro cat is one of my favorite WIPs to watch on any blog. It's so bright and fun, and the cat is adorable!

  3. Well done! I found not one but three Santas from old JCS ornament issues!

  4. Nice progress on both projects! Can't wait to see your stitching in april :)
    And P.S Thanks for the comments on the book posts, you should have heard my fangirl scream when you mentioned Gail Carriger even across the ocean!

  5. Lovely progress on both WIP's!! Hugs!!
